Our Purpose

To help MSPs reduce their stack costs and modernize their Customer Experience (CX).


About Us

Invarosoft was built by an MSP for MSPs .

Invarosoft launched in late 2017 to help build the new Customer Experience (CX) category for MSPs. Over that time the platform has evolved based on MSP feedback to include more products than the original go to market plan.

Fast forward to 2024 and Invarosoft now has 100’s of MSPs using their CX platform and has recently purchased the company Alert Centric which provides Backup Alert Reporting software. Coinciding with the acquisition, Invarosoft is now re-launching the company with six (6) unique products which include; Warranty Wizard™, Alert Centric™, Time Master™, HappySat™, vCIO Hero™ and Invarosoft CX™.

Jamie Warner, CEO of Invarosoft, says “the products will be sold individually and in our innovative ‘stack saver’ bundles. We identified the MSP market is frustrated and worried with their increasing stack costs and with some of the SaaS monopolies taking shape in key categories which has led to price increases and slower product improvements. Our research also indicates many vendors lock MSPs into long contracts, there are too many standalone products (point solutions) making it hard for MSPs to invest in them all and if the vendor is multi-product, they tend to sell each product separately, all of which increases MSPs stack costs. In launching our ‘stack saver’ bundles we’re offering MSPs more product alternatives and a unique opportunity to help reduce stack costs and complexity, so in essence ‘one account, one amount’. We agree with Jason Lemkin, SaaStr founder, who says ‘software is supposed to be a service. In 2022 and 2023, SaaS became software as a ripoff.’ We intend to reverse that trend for MSPs in 2024.”


Our Unified MSP Software Platform

1 Platform + 6 Products = Save

Partner Success Stories

Watch some of our partner success stories.

The 5 Mistakes MSPs Make – Customer Experience (CX)

Watch this video to find out why focusing on Customer Experience is so important.

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